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Benefits Bulletin: Payroll Deductions and Direct Pay Coupons

New payroll deductions for FY09 Maryland State group insurance benefits for regular 26-pay employees appeared in the July 9, 2008 paycheck. Employees should carefully review that paystub to confirm that their benefits and deductions are accurate based on any changes made during the recent open enrollment period. Current 21-pay faculty members will see their first new deductions from the September 3, 2008 paycheck.

Direct pay employees (contingent staff, lecturers and part-time faculty members) whose new contract dates were sent to OHR before the end of June should have already received their new payment coupons reflecting their FY09 coverage. Any direct pay employee who has not yet received his or her new coupon should call the employee benefits division of the State of Maryland Department of Budget and Management at 410-767-4775 and select option two to check the status of the coupon.

Questions about payroll deduction should be directed to Dave Curtis at x4-6018 and {dcurtis@towson.edu} or Gail Price at x4-6017 and {gprice@towson.edu}.
