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Facebook for Faculty Brown Bag: you have a friend request

So what is this Social Networking?

To put it simply, social networking a group of people who have similarities in interest, experiences and activities interacting via software that may have cataloging features, voice, chat, video and sharing capabilities. Facebook, Linked In and MySpace are examples of social networking sites. During this brown bag we will discuss the role social networking applications has in expanding our concept of instruction.

Join us as we explore Facebook, create accounts, join the Emerging Technologies Facebook group and discuss how we can use social networking solutions to enhance our courses.

Objectives: Participants in this Brown Bag learning event will be introduced to Facebook, complete hands-on activities and discuss its uses for instruction.

When: April 18, 2008
Where: Cook 404B
Time: noon ? 1 p.m.
Who: La Tonya Dyer (Office of Technology Services)
Registration: Visit the OTS training website at {www.towson.edu/otstraining}.

To catch a glimpse of Facebook, view our online promotional video at {www.towson.edu/adminfinance/ots/ciat/emergingtechnology/facebook}.

Please feel free to bring your lunch. Refreshments will be provided.

For more information, contact La Tonya Dyer, Instructional Designer, at {ldyer@towson.edu}.
