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Classroom Technology Planning and Purchases

The Office of Technology Services offers essential consulting and planning services for academic and administrative departments interested in creating, renovating or upgrading smart classrooms, conference rooms, lecture halls and other rooms.

Getting in touch with us while your project is still in the idea stage is the first step to a successful outcome. Campus standards are evolving to make presentation and instructional technologies easier to use, as well as more reliable and cost-effective.

We’ll work with you to select “Elmo” document cameras, portable or ceiling-mounted computer data projectors, smart classroom workstations and related products and services. We’ll also develop specifications, get estimates, arrange for purchase and installation, coordinate work with other university departments, and deal with issues like security and integration into the university technology architecture.

For additional information contact Polley Adams, manager of Classroom and Presentation Technology Planning, at {padams@towson.edu} or 410-704-3182.
