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Administrative Leave and Time Sheet Completion for February 1 Late Opening

Towson University was closed from 6 until 9 a.m. Friday, February 1. As a result, administrative leave has been granted to regular staff, 12-month faculty, librarians and contingent staff for their normally scheduled hours during this time period.

Regular staff, 12-month faculty and librarians should record leave code ADMU on their time sheet in the leave code section and their normally scheduled hours for the aforementioned time period. As an example, if the regular hours worked are 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., administrative leave would cover 7:30 to 9 a.m., or 1.5 hours on the timesheet.

Regular timesheets are due by 10 a.m. Monday, February 11. Since contingent staff timesheets have already been submitted for that date, supervisors will need to contact payroll for any scheduled hours during the aforementioned time period for which their employees were not paid.

Employees who were scheduled to be on annual, sick or personal leave Friday are not granted administrative leave. Emergency essential personnel (usually only certain Facilities Management and Police employees) will be paid for hours worked in addition to receiving straight time administrative leave pay for their scheduled hours.

If you have any questions please contact David Curtis at {dcurtis@towson.edu} and x4-6018, or Cheryl Harris at {charris@towson.edu} and x4-6022.
