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USM Data Privacy Workshop

The University System of Maryland is sponsoring a workshop on Data Privacy at the University of Baltimore Thumel Business Center February 29 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. We invite you to participate in this workshop.

Lawyer and EDUCAUSE Government Relations Officer Rodney Peterson will present the opening address and offer insights on the legal landscape for data privacy in higher education.

The workshop is intended for individuals in institutional IT management, management and staff from Records and Registration, Admissions, Financial Aid, Comptroller?s Office, Bursar?s Office, Institutional Advancement, Procurement, Student Life, Human Resources, and others as well as policy, data privacy and security practitioners from Maryland?s community colleges, independent colleges and universities, and public universities.

Workshop objectives include:

– Understanding the legal landscape and sharing effective practices for enhancing data privacy
– Networking and exploring opportunities for collaboration

There are only 120 spaces available, so register early at {http://www.usmd.edu/usm/adminfinance/itcc/day/itseccoll0208.html}. The registration site includes a preliminary agenda with management and technology tracks. There is no fee for the workshop and parking is free. Registration will close February 27.