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Visit the Faculty/Staff Benefits Festival & Health Fair Today!

The Office of Human Resources (OHR) and the Towson University Wellness Center presents the 23rd Bi-annual Benefits Festival and 2nd Bi-annual Employee Health Fair today, November 15 from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the University Union Chesapeake Rooms (third floor).

Stop in during those hours to learn more about the variety of programs, services and benefits available to all TU faculty and staff members. Meet with MD State benefits representatives as well as a wide range of vendors and Towson departments! Take advantage of free health screenings, giveaways and refreshments! Register for free drawings for door prizes! Meet with a variety of community health and wellness services professionals to learn about preventative care measures you can take to become a healthier and happier individual!

Although this is not an open enrollment period, many of the Maryland State benefits providers have confirmed their attendance at our festival, so take advantage of the opportunity to clarify concerns regarding coverage and any additional services available to members.

Attendance is especially important for employees who are currently participating with AIG Valic?s Supplemental Retirement (SRA) or Optional Retirement (ORP) plans since they will no longer be available after December 2007. Those individuals will be able to obtain information from the remaining SRA/ORP vendors in order to make their decisions regarding new enrollments before December.

Hope to see you there!

Questions about the Benefits Festival should be directed to Dave Curtis at x4-6018 and {dcurtis@towson.edu} or Gail Price at x4-6017 and {gprice@towson.edu} Questions concerning the Health Fair should be directed to Christine Woods at x4-5555 and {cwoods@towson.edu}.
