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TUSC Brownbag Lunch Series: The White House Press Relationship with Martha Kumar

Please join the Towson University Staff Council (TUSC) for a brown bag lunch session featuring speaker Martha Kumar, a professor for the Department of Political Science. Martha will speak about her research on the relationship between the White House and the Press which she has observed from her desk in the basement of the White House Press Room since 1995.

Professor Kumar recently wrote a book on White House Communications titled “Managing the President’s Message: The White House Communications Operation” (Johns Hopkins University Press).

Date: Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Time: noon – 1 p.m.
Location: University Union 204, Loch Raven Room

Due to the anticipated popularity of this event, please RSVP to {tusc@towson.edu} by Tuesday, November 13. Please feel free to bring a lunch with you as one will not be provided.

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