TU home | T3 | Reserving the Digital Media Classroom for Minimester and Spring 2008

Reserving the Digital Media Classroom for Minimester and Spring 2008

With Towson’s new Digital Media Classroom (DMC) you have the flexibility of recording a lesson that can be deployed online immediately or anytime in the future. Students can view your instruction anytime, anyplace and at their own pace!

In the DMC a class session is monitored, video recorded, archived and simultaneously delivered online through the oversight of a technician at the back of the room. With little advanced preparation by the professor, we can digitally capture the atmosphere of a traditional classroom while allowing the presenter freedom to focus on instruction.

We are now encouraging applications to record full class sessions in the DMC for the winter session and and spring semester. Please note that first priority will go to faculty teaching one course as two sections: one online and one face-to-face. However, we do accept requests for ad hoc sessions on an ongoing basis.

For samples and applications, go to {http://www.towson.edu/dmc} or contact Audrey Cutler at {acutler@towson.edu} or x4-5082. Apply now to ensure your correct room number is listed with the registrar!

Demonstrations of the DMC are scheduled for the following dates in Cook Library room 404B:
* Thursday, September 20, 11 a.m. – noon
* Tuesday, Sep 25, 11 a.m. – noon
* Friday, October 19 1 – 2 p.m.

Please register for these demonstrations on the OTS Training registration page at {http://fusion.towson.edu/www/ciat/workshops/}
