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Net ID: A New Name for Your Towson Username

The university is branding the term used to refer to your Towson University computer account to NetID. This change will help avoid confusion and differentiate your primary Towson University identity from all other usernames that you may have in your digital life. Your NetID is the unique combination of your Towson username and password that provides access to university services such as e-mail, campus computers, timesheets, Towson Online Services (PeopleSoft), etc.
No action is needed on your part; your username and password will not change. The only change caused by the rebranding will be that “NetID” will replace the “Username” label displayed on login dialog boxes of university products and services. Services that have adapted NetID include: My TU {https://inside.towson.edu/mytu/MyTU.asp} and Virtual Workspace {https://virtualworkspace.towson.edu/Citrix/MetaFrame/auth/login.aspx}.

Like any name change, NetID will take time to fully catch on. Immediately, you will start seeing NetID used in login dialog boxes, in Web pages, and in other documentation. Over the summer, departments will modify their websites and documentation to NetID. To help departments with this transition, a NetID Style Guide is available at: {https://carbon.towson.edu/sites/ctc/Document%20Library/NetIDStyleGuide.docx} and OTS will assist website owners and those who produce documentation to ensure a smooth transition by fall semester.

If you have any questions, contact the Faculty/Staff Help Center at 410-704-5151, 2+2+2 on the voice menu.