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Win TU Gear through Facebook!

Facebook + RecycleMania = Your chance to win TU gear.

Join the Towson Goes Green Facebook page at {http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/pages/Towson-MD/Towson-Goes-Green/52012350350?ref=ts} for a chance to win TU gear every day. Just post a picture of yourself recycling on the page?s wall or answer one of our trivia questions to automatically win TU gear!

Every student who participates will be entered to win a grand prize should TU meet its goal of recycling 240,000 pounds of material during the 10-week RecycleMania competition, which ends March 27. Keep track of our progress on the Facebook page or Towson’s RecycleMania Web site, {http://www.towson.edu/recyclemania}. We need your help to defend our state title from last year’s competition.