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Blackboard Exemplary Course Program

Apply now to be an online course reviewer or submit your online course for review! You can review as an individual or as part of a team.
As part of this program, course designers perform a self-evaluation and submit their course for others to review against Blackboard Exemplary course rubric.

According to the program Web site, if you participate in the program you will:
? Learn course design best practices to improve the engagement, collaboration, assessment and learner support within your own courses
? Develop a fresh perspective by seeing how other instructors and designers from your discipline or area of interest are developing their courses
? Apply lessons learned from the Blackboard Exemplary Course Rubric to your own courses or those you are helping to develop
? Receive detailed feedback on your own course development on the best practices you are employing or areas in which it can be improved
? Gain professional development experience and recognition for your accomplishments and participation in the program

For more information on the rubric and the program applications: {http://tiny.cc/blackboard}

More Online Professional Development
For assistance in developing online courses at Towson, contact Instructional Designer Audrey Cutler at {acutler@towson.edu} and visit our support site at {http://www.towson.edu/blackboard/ISD}

Teaching @ Towson: Preparing Your Course for Online Delivery – Online Workshop
Dates: January 7 through 21, 2010; or February 5 through 19, 2010
For more information and to register, go to {http://fusion.towson.edu/www/ciat/workshops/}