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Looking to meaningfully fill some time in a class?

Anticipating some free time in an upcoming fall class? Need to cancel a class in one of your courses? Consider filling that time with a presentation by the Towson University Counseling Center and Health Center?s Peer Educators. The Peer Educators are available to give presentations on a wide variety of topics including:

? Mental Health concerns: anxiety, body image issues, depression, eating disorders, and suicide prevention.
? Sexual Assault programs: awareness 101, bystander intervention, and consent.
? Substance Abuse issues: alcohol and drugs, binge drinking, drinking and driving, and tobacco cessation.
? Wellness topics: healthy relationships, nutrition, and sleep hygiene.

To learn more about the programs that we offer, check out our website {http://www.towson.edu/counseling/peered/psychologicalwellnesspeered.asp}

To schedule a program, phone the Counseling Center at 410-704-2512 or fill out a program request at {http://www.towson.edu/counseling/events/}.