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Announcement of the March 18, 2010 meeting of the Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum !!!

Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum: Meeting Announcement

Topic: Cloud Computing Revisited
Date: March 18, 2010
Location: Towson University

?A couple of years ago, cloud computing was considered a crazy idea by many IT professionals who could not conceive of moving parts of their data center operations or any of their business applications to the Web. Today, it is becoming the norm?.

Is it really such a big leap to leverage external, third-party resources to augment your in-house capabilities? IT organizations have been doing this for years, whether it is has been independent software developers or managed hosting companies. When you strip away all the hype, SaaS and cloud computing offer even greater benefits with less risks.? (Kaplan, Datamation, 1/12/2010)

Please plan to join CIO members and invited guests at the March 18 meeting of the Mid-Atlantic CIO Forum for ?Cloud Computing Revisited!?

To begin this meeting, Jeff Kaplan, Founder and Managing Director of THINKStrategies, will provide an update regarding the evolution of the market since the Forum session on cloud computing last March. He will then focus on the current state of the industry and future directions, including case study examples of how organizations are evaluating and leveraging cloud-based services to satisfy their IT/business needs. Mr. Kaplan will examine how they are addressing security, federated identity management, data portability, international, SLA, governance, and end-to-end visibility issues. Mr. Kaplan will include a discussion on how rapid advancements in cloud enabling technologies and business models are permitting organizations to deploy these services in various ways?including hybrid and internal clouds.

In the second half of the meeting, Hans Keller, Senior Director of IT, Erickson Retirement Communities will chair a panel of subject matter experts from industry leader organizations in key areas of cloud computing. Each panelist will provide a brief overview before all sit as a panel for Q&A with the audience. The panel includes:

John Bullitt, Technical Services Manager, VMware:
It is clear that virtualization is part of Cloud Computing, be it virtualized infrastructure (IaaS), virtual development platforms (PaaS), or virtualized software (SaaS). How do companies with complex existing infrastructures move smoothly into these new IT models? What steps should companies take to prepare for the transition, and what have customers experienced so far?

Trae Chancellor, Vice President of Enterprise Strategy, Cloud Computing for the Enterprise, Salesforce.com:
Despite explosive growth predictions from analysts and heavy media coverage, it?s still difficult for CIOs to get a clear, holistic view of cloud computing and how it can benefit the enterprise. Without that clarity it?s hard to define an organization?s cloud strategy. Mr. Chancellor will share insights, discuss common challenges, and explain more about the potential of enterprise cloud computing.

Mike Hichwa, Vice President of Software Development for Database Tools, Oracle Corp.: Mr. Hichwa will examine how an enterprise evolves to cloud computing; how IT can become a private cloud service provider for your users; as well as examine the lifecycle of a private cloud working within an enterprise.
This is a full member meeting of the Forum. The meeting starts at 8:00 AM and ends by 1PM. Brunch and lunch are provided. Pre-registration is required. Meeting logistics including agenda, directions to the meeting place and parking information will be emailed to you after you register. For registration for this meeting, please contact: Bonnie Lawson at blawson@towson.edu or 410-704-4252.