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Baltimore Immigration Summit

Register now for Baltimore Immigration Summit

The 3rd Annual Baltimore Immigration Summit, co-sponsored by Towson University and the Baltimore City Mayor?s Office, takes place on Friday, November 17th, 2006. This FREE event takes place at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History and Culture.

The Baltimore Immigration Summit is an annual one-day event, co-sponsored by Towson University and the Baltimore City Mayor?s Office, which brings together academics, service providers, activists, community leaders, and others working with and for immigrants in our region. Baltimore is an area with a growing and diverse immigrant population, as well as local government that views immigrants as an important part of the city?s resurgence.

The theme of this year?s Summit is ?Building Bridges.? The topic of immigration is often approached from a divisive, ?us vs. them? perspective. Yet immigrants? lives personify the concept of building bridges, as they traverse national boundaries, and continue to make connections between their native and adopted cultures. Bridges are needed among immigrant groups, as well as between immigrants and the native-born. In the city of Baltimore and elsewhere, there is particular concern about building bridges between immigrants and African Americans, as too often the two groups are pitted against each other. In addition, the Summit?s mission is to build bridges between and among those in the academic, non-profit, governmental, and activist communities.

? THIS EVENT IS FREE, BUT ADVANCE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. To register, please go to {wwwnew.towson.edu/baltimoreimmigrationsummit}. Space is limited, and registration will fill quickly.

? For more information, or to register, please go to {wwwnew.towson.edu/baltimoreimmigrationsummit}, or e-mail {immigrationsummit@towson.edu}. You can also phone Elizabeth Clifford, Summit Coordinator, at 410-704-5164 for more information.

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