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Call for Proposals for 3rd Annual Baltimore Immigration Summit

The Baltimore Immigration Summit is an annual one-day event, co-sponsored by Towson University and the Baltimore City Mayor?s Office, which brings together academics, service providers, activists, community leaders, and others working with and for immigrants in our region. Baltimore is an area with a growing and diverse immigrant population, as well as local government that views immigrants as an important part of the city?s resurgence. This year?s summit will take place on Friday, November 17th, at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland African American History & Culture.

The theme of this year?s Summit is ?Building Bridges.? This year for the first time we are issuing a call for presentations for the Baltimore Immigration Summit. We encourage proposals for full panels, but will also accept proposals for individual presentations that could be parts of panels. Proposals should in some way engage the theme of ?Building Bridges.?

We encourage activists, scholars, practitioners, government representatives, community leaders, and others to submit proposals. Preference will be given to panel proposals that include representatives of more than one of these groups, and/or that include representatives of various immigrant and native communities. For example, a panel on immigrants and education could include a teacher, a researcher, a student, and a representative of a non-profit agency helping to improve educational opportunities for immigrants, or a panel on immigrant organizations could include representatives of three or four different immigrant communities. If you are interested in presenting, but do not have contacts to put together a panel, the Summit Planning Committee would be happy to try to help you get in touch with others in your area of interest. Please contact us at immigrationsummit@towson.edu, or phone Elizabeth Clifford at 410-704-5164.

For full details about the Baltimore Immigration Summit and how to submit proposals, please see {wwwnew.towson.edu/baltimoreimmigrationsummit/}. The deadline for proposals is Friday, September 1st, 2006.