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Post-Open Enrollment Update #6: Summary Statements, Payroll Deductions and Direct Pay Coupons

Summary Statements
All regular faculty and staff employees who made changes or elections during Open Enrollment (OE) should have received an official Summary Statement of Benefit Elections for Year 2013 via campus mail. Direct- pay employees (contingent staff, lecturers and part-time faculty members) and retirees who made any changes during OE received their summary statements at their home address directly from the State of Maryland State Department of Budget and Management (DBM). Employees and retirees who did not make any changes or elections during OE will not receive a summary statement.

It is extremely important that you carefully review your summary statement. Regular faculty and staff members whose plan selections, coverage levels and/or the ?Yes/No? indicators for dependents, home address, spelling of names, social security numbers or dates of birth are not correct must note those corrections on the statement and fax it to DBM at 410-333-5191 no later than 30 days from the ?Date Printed? on the bottom right portion of the summary statement. Be sure to keep a confirmation of the fax transmission for your records.

Please note that if your summary statement shows a ~ or a ^ to the left of the code number for any listed dependents, you must provide acceptable documentation to OHR?s Benefits Unit no later than 30 days from the ?Date Printed? on the bottom of the statement. If your Term Life selection has an (*) next to it, you must submit a statement of health form attached to a copy of your summary statement directly to MetLife as soon as possible. That form is available on the DBM website accessible at {http://dbm.maryland.gov/benefits/Pages/HBHome.aspx} by clicking on ?Term Life Coverage.? Remember that the requested additional amount of coverage will not be in effect until those materials are submitted to and approved by MetLife.

Payroll Deductions and Direct Pay Coupons
New payroll deductions for regular staff and faculty will occur in the July 18, 2012 paycheck. Direct Pay employees whose new contract dates have been sent to the OHR?s Benefit Unit should receive their new payment coupons before the end of June. Any Direct Pay employees who have not received their new coupons by July 9 should call DBM at 410-767-4775 to check on the status of their coupons.

Questions or concerns should be directed to Dave Curtis, x46018 {dcurtis@towson.edu} or Gail Price, x46017 {gprice@towson.edu} in the TU Benefits Unit.
