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Call For Proposals: 2004 Towson University Assessment Fellowships

Rethink and redesign your approaches to assessing what your students have learned!

The University Assessment Council and the Office of Assessment announce the availability of up to ten assessment fellowships carrying stipends of $1,000. The purpose of the fellowships is to enable Towson faculty and staff to rethink and redesign how they assess important student learning goals. Assessment Fellows will aim to create fair, systematized assessment strategies that yield reasonably accurate, truthful information and whose usefulness justifies the time put into them. All full-time Towson faculty and staff may apply.

A detailed description of the fellowships and the application process is available at {http://pages.towson.edu/assessment/fellowship_announcement.htm}. The application deadline is Friday, April 30. If you have any questions, contact Linda Suskie, Director of Assessment, at {LSuskie@towson.edu} or ext. 4-2620, or come to a question-and-answer session on Thursday, April 8, from 2:15 to 3:15 p.m. in Room 307 of the Administration Building.