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“C- Proposals”

It was recently brought to our attention that some of the University’s professors have been misled as to what the Student Government Association has been lobbying for in the University Senate. To set the record straight and clear any misconceptions, the SGA is in favor of eliminating the C- grade all together, meaning there would be no such grade, or if it were given, it would be given the same numeric value as a C, a 2.0. We in no way support the lowering of academic standards at Towson University by means of allowing a 1.67 to be passing. That was the option brought up by the University Senate professors. Our exact proposal was that grades of 70% and higher should be passing (aka C and C- should both be passing at a 2.0) and that proposal was not considered. Thanks for staying involved with this issue and allowing us to clear up any misunderstandings. We again express appreciation to those of you who participated in our grading system surveys and welcome any additional input. Enjoy your break and Happy Holidays.

— The Student Government Association

Contact information: Darcy Accardi, SGA Vice President, {daccar1@towson.edu}, Rebecca Dupas, SGA Director of Academic Affairs, {msdupas@hotmail.com}.