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Alumni Employee Luncheon

Attention all Towson University Alumni Faculty and Staff members! Mark you calendars for Friday, January 11 for the Annual Alumni Employee Luncheon. The 425th Legislative Session is gearing up in Annapolis, and this luncheon is a great way to learn about how higher education and Towson University will be impacted by the General Assembly?s actions in Annapolis.

As alumni and employees of TU, your continued support is needed! The esteemed panel for this year?s luncheon includes:

Dr. Robert L. Caret, President, Towson University

Mr. R. Michael Gill, ?74, Assistant Treasurer, University System of Maryland, Board of Regents

Mrs. Constance Kihm, ?95, Chairperson, Towson Advocacy Program

Friday, January 11, 2008
Minnegan Room, Unitas Stadium Field House
12:00 ? 1:00 P.M.

Lunch will be provided!

RSVP now by email to {alumni@towson.edu} or call 410-704-4155

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