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Pepsi Outreach funds available

Each year the Pepsi Bottling Group contributes funds to Towson University Marketing for the purpose of assisting in our community outreach to disadvantaged/underserved students. University Marketing in turn distributes these funds to qualifying outreach programs directed by our faculty.

Funds can be requested for K-12 programs that:
– Prepare historically under-represented and disadvantaged youth for higher education
– Provide educational opportunities or experiences which may otherwise be unavailable to these students and/or
– Build curiosity about higher education

Further information as well as a formal application are available in the forms repository, University Marketing: {https://inside.towson.edu/GeneralCampus/FormsRepository/Output.cfm}.
Dealine for applications is November 15.
Questions may be referred to Michael Berends, {mberends@towson.edu}.