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TU alumni employees — luncheon and legislative briefing

The Towson Advocacy Program would like to invite all


to the annual
Alumni Employee Luncheon &
Legislative Briefing Session
hosted by the Towson University Alumni Association

Thursday, January 4, 2007
noon ? 1:30 p.m.
Minnegan Room

The Members of the Towson Advocacy Program have developed an ambitious schedule for 2007 legislative session. This luncheon will provide you the opportunity to:
? Hear the changes in Annapolis and how they affect your alma mater
? Learn how you can assist TU and promote higher education initiatives
? Learn from our top administrators and alumni volunteers as they talk about important legislative issues

Speakers include:

Dr. Robert L. Caret, President, Towson University
Mr. David Nevins ?76, University System of Maryland Board of Regents
Mrs. Connie Kihm ?95, Chairperson, Towson Advocacy Program

Lunch will be provided
Please RSVP to {alumni@towson.edu}
Or call 410-704-2234

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