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Registration is now open for the 2011 Service-Learning and Civic Engagement Conference

Registration is now open for the 2011 Service-Learning and Civic Engagement Conference: Journeys through Service, Passport to Change. The conference will take place on Saturday, April 9, 2011 at Stevenson University, Owings Mills Campus.
The purpose of the conference is to share success strategies among students, faculty and staff at higher institutions throughout Maryland on the topics of community service, service-learning and civic engagement.
There will be 25 workshops offered throughout the day – 14 in the morning session, 11 in the afternoon session. Workshops have a faculty or student focus or both. Workshops will include:
? Tell Me How You Do That! Sharing What We Know about Teaching Service-Learning Courses with Barbara Jacoby, Senior Scholar at University of Maryland, College Park
? Asking the Right Questions: A Multi-Perspective Evaluation of a Community Partnership with Dominykas Burneikis, Co-Director of Neighborhood Outreach, Charm City Clinic, Inc.
? Community-Based Research: A Higher Stage of Service-Learning? with Kerry J. Strand, Professor of Sociology, Hood College
? And many more!
For more information and to register, please visit {http://www.baltimorecollegetown.org/events/service-learning-conference/}.