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2nd Annual Environmental Conference April 22- Call for RFPS!

Sustainability: Your Action, Your Impact
TU?s 2nd Annual Environmental Conference
Thursday April 22, 2010

TU?s Civic Engagement Initiative and the University Environmental Initiatives Subcommittee are excited to announce that the second annual campus-wide Environmental Conference will take place on Earth Day, Thursday April 22, 2010. This year?s conference theme is sustainability and conference planners are currently seeking workshop proposals from faculty, staff, and students. Complete conference information and RFP instructions can be found at {www.towson.edu/environmentalconference}. Proposals are due by Friday March 19, 2010 and should be emailed to James David at {jdavid13@students.towson.edu}.

This year?s conference will feature two keynote speakers. Matthias Ruth is the Roy F. Weston Chair in Natural Economics, Director of the Center for Integrative Environmental Research and Co-Director of Engineering and Public Policy at the University of Maryland College Park. He will be speaking about sustainability, climate change and implications for individuals and college campuses. Kelly McManus graduated from Towson University in May 2006 with a BS in Environmental Science and Studies [Chemistry concentration] and a minor in chemistry and political science. She recently completed her MS at Oxford University, Oxford England in Environmental Change and Management and had an opportunity to travel to Copenhagen during this summer?s Climate Conference. She will be sharing her experience at Copenhagen and discussing the intersections of sustainability and politics in a global context.

At last year?s conference several faculty members offered students extra credit for attending the conference. We will again be taking extra credit information and forwarding student attendance records to faculty who encourage student attendance. Please also encourage your students to consider submitting a presentation proposal for the conference as we are eager to include more student presentations in this year?s conference.

Conference registration will open on April 1 and will be advertised through the Daily Digest. For now, save the date!

Questions can be directed to Darcy Accardi at {daccardi@towson.edu} or Jane Wolfson at {jwolfson@towson.edu}. We look forward to seeing you on April 22!