TU home | T3 | Spring Service Fair this Wednesday!! Come to develop service-learning partnerships!

Spring Service Fair this Wednesday!! Come to develop service-learning partnerships!

Representatives from local community organizations will be at the Spring Service Fair. Organized by the Office of Student Activities and the Department of Civic Engagement, the fair will be held in the Potomac Lounge located in the University Union on Wednesday, February 17, 2010, from 11:00 AM -1:00 PM. Come and discover new partnerships to enhance your current courses, or as part of new courses by incorporating a service-learning component. Over 30 organizations, eager to reach out to Towson?s faculty and students, will be representing the Baltimore City and Baltimore County communities.

Please do not hesitate to contact Kate Faris, AmeriCorps*VISTA Service-Learning Coordinator at 410-704-2806 or via email {Kfaris@towson.edu} with questions.

The following are organizations will be in present at the fair:

Baltimore Neighborhoods Inc
Alzheimer’s Association
Arc of Howard Co
Higher Achievement
American Red Cross
American Cancer Society
Advocates for Survivors of Torture and Trauma
Maryland Zoo
Family Tree
Baltimore Humane Society
National Kidney Foundation
Boys Hope Girls Hope
Community College of Baltimore Co
Project SERVE
Baltimore Museum of Industry
Project Plase
Athelas Inst
Coalition to End Childhood Lead Poisoning
Women Entrepreneurs of Baltimore
St. Vincent’s Center
Hearts and Ears
TU in the Community
Community Assistance Network
Herring Watershed
Stadium School Youth Dreamers
Art with a Heart
Study Abroad Office
House of Ruth
International Rescue Committee
St. Elizabeth School
Children’s Chorus of MD
Bello Machre
Donate Life Maryland
Ten Thousand Villages
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Alternative Break Connections