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Spring 2010 Service-Learning Support and Opportunities through the Department of Civic Engagement

New service-learning events to look for in Spring 2010:

Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Showcase, Wednesday, March 31, 3:30 PM ? 5:30 PM, University Union, Chesapeake Rooms ? A panel discussion where the current 2009 ? 2010 Service-Learning Faculty Fellows will share information about the Faculty Fellows program and their service-learning courses with the campus. The event will end with an audience question and answer session. Lunch will be served. This is a great way to find out more information about the upcoming 2010 ? 2011 fellows program and how you can be involved.

?Service-Learning and Civic Engagement Conference: Planting Seeds of Service and Cultivating Civic Engagement?, Saturday, April 10, 9:00 AM ? 4:00 PM, University Union ? Sponsored by Baltimore Collegetown Network, Maryland Campus Compact and Towson University, the conference was held last year at the University of Baltimore. We are looking for faculty and students to present on aspects of service-learning and civic engagement. Please visit the conference website for more information and to download the RFP for workshop proposals: {www.towson.edu/plantingseeds}. Please encourage students to apply who you feel will benefit from the experience. All are welcome to attend the conference; please visit the website for more information.

As an additional reminder the following are continuous opportunities available through the Department of Civic Engagement:

1. Civic Engagement Service-Learning Faculty Grant- As part of the Towson University 2010 Strategic Plan, which calls for an increase in service-learning experiences for students, the Department of Civic Engagement is funding this service-learning grant opportunity. Faculty are eligible to apply for grant money to support service-learning course activities. Funds should be used to allow a professor to ?take a course to the next level? in regard to service-learning and permit the class to engage in relevant activities it would otherwise be unable to complete. Funds allow the faculty member to enhance the integration of the service project and service-learning with the course.

2. Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Program- This faculty cohort provides support for TU faculty interested in creating a new service-learning course or incorporating a significant service learning component into an existing course. Interested faculty members are expected to propose a service-learning initiative that includes a case for the significance and expected impact of the project in a broader context of civic engagement and social responsibility. Applications will be evaluated on how the service-learning project seeks to advance course objectives, include meaningful student interaction with the community and address real community needs. Selected Faculty Fellows are awarded a $1,000 stipend and meet on a monthly basis to develop and then implement service-learning courses. Applications for the 2010- 2011 Faculty Fellows cohort will be available in January of 2010.

3. One-on-one service-learning consultation- faculty are encouraged to contact Kate Faris, AmeriCorps*VISTA Service-Learning Coordinator, for individualized assistance with course development, locating community partners and service-learning project logistics.

For more information please contact Kate Faris, {kfaris@towson.edu} or at 410-704-2806.