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Undergraduate Student Research Poster Session Deadline

The Undergraduate Student Research Poster Session was such a success last year that the event has been scheduled again for March 1, 2, and 3 at the State House in Annapolis. The goal is to let legislators learn about the accomplishments of students in USM institutions prior to deliberations about the State budget. Each day, 16 students will be selected to present poster sessions of their research. Any Towson University student accepted for a poster session will be reimbursed for travel and meals.

The deadline for the proposals has been extended by the System by one week to February 9th which allows the institutions two weeks after the start of the spring semester to finalize the selections. The applications must be forwarded directly to the Office of the Provost by Friday, January 28. Absolutely NO proposal will be accepted after that date.

The USM selection committee will meet on February 11 and the institutions will be notified of acceptance of students by February 15.

Please notify your dean of any candidate that you nominate and any student chosen for this activity. I know we have a number of students doing very impressive research. This is a wonderful time for them to showcase their work.

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