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ITROW Summer Institute: Women, Women’s Studies and the State Istanbul and Bodrum, Turkey Call for Papers

Towson University’s Institute for Teaching and Research on Women (ITROW) is co-hosting the Summer Institute, “Turkey at the Crossroads: Women, Women’s Studies , and the State.” May 27 -June 3, 2005, in collaboration with Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. An application and information about the Summer Institute can be found on our web page, {http://pages.towson.edu/ncctrw/ITROW} can be contacted at 410-704-5457 or {itrow@towson.edu}.

Call for Papers
Attendees interested in presenting at one of the panel or roundtable sessions please send one page description of presentation, how it relates to the institute themes and what issues it will include. Also indicate experience or qualifications in regard to presentation.

Proposals should be sent by email to itrow@towson.edu by March 8, 2005.

Conference/Workshop Themes

I. Human Rights and Women’s Rights

Legal, Cultural and Religious Barriers
Spousal Abuse
International Efforts to Eliminate Discrimination
Women and Family

II. Feminism and Women’s Studies

Women’s Studies and Feminism in Turkey and the Middle East
Women’s Movements: Comparative Perspectives
Islamic and Secular Women’s Groups

III. Women, Work and the State

Gender and Transnational Labor Migration
Women in the Local and Global Economy
Educational Reform

IV. Images of Women in Contemporary Society

Women and Literature
Women and Popular Culture