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Provost’s Faculty Convocation

You are requested to join Provost James F. Brennan for a Faculty Convocation on Wednesday, October 6 at 4:00 p.m. in Stephens Auditorium. While this year’s convocation will deal specifically with a response on the part of Academic Affairs to the President’s directives, as outlined in his September 8, 2004 address (available on the TU home page or at {http://wwwnew.towson.edu/events/EXCERPTSRLCFallAddress2004.doc}), the Provost hopes a fall semester academic convocation will become a new tradition at Towson University.

Light refreshments will be served in the lobby immediately following the address.

Please respond to your department’s administrative assistant. Chairpersons, please ask your Administrative assistant to give the departmental count to the Provost’s Office. Thank you.

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