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Grading Information

Grading Information:

I hope all of you had a safe and enjoyable holiday. As the start of the spring semester nears and you prepare instructional materials, please be sure to include a detailed explanation of your grading scheme in each course syllabus. The grading scheme must include the numeric or percentage value for each assignment. Plus /Minus grading is to be used in all undergraduate courses. However, in accordance with action taken by the University Senate last fall, the grade of C- has been suspended for three years and may not be used as part of the grading scheme.

Please review your grading scheme and procedures with students at the beginning of the semester so they will know how their work will be evaluated. Clear explanations of grading and course expectations result in fewer grade complaints from students.

The grading scheme can be found in the Undergraduate Catalogue.

Please contact Bill Reuling, Assistant to the Provost (4-4632) or Bob Giordani, University Registrar (4-3508), if you have any questions about grades or grading. I wish you a rewarding and successful spring semester.