The Fisher College is sponsoring an ?Improving Work-Life Satisfaction for Individuals in STEM Workshop? on Friday, March 30, 2012 from 1 to 4 p.m. Given the work environments and expectations for individuals in science, and the fact that a career in science is very often a way of life and far more than a job, work-life satisfaction can be elusive. While advocating for change in policies and systems continues to be important, individuals in STEM must find the personal work-life strategies that work for them within the systems in which they work.
This interactive program will help you to:
? Examine how your current choices impact work-life satisfaction and identify changes that will have the biggest impact on personal and professional satisfaction
? See your personal challenges and opportunities from a fresh perspective
? Recognize the critical importance of recovering from stressors to stay motivated and engaged
? Understand how incongruence between your values/priorities and actions can drain energy and negatively impact work-life satisfaction
? Maximize your energy level for improved performance and increased productivity
? Craft a personalized plan to improve your work-life satisfaction
Please see full announcement at {}
RSVP to Dr. Gail Gasparich at {} or phone at extension 4-4602.