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Minimester 2010 Final Grade Rosters Available Online

Please save the instructions below until you process your grades.

Faculty may now access final Grade Rosters

Minimester 2010 final grade rosters on the web using Faculty Self Service. The log-in link can be found at {http://inside.towson.edu/}, ?click? “Towson Online Services” located on the right side of the page. Log-in to “Online Services” using your TowsonU username and password. The navigation to access the grade roster is as follows: Self Service>Faculty Center>My Schedule. If the correct term is not showing ?click? Change Term>?click ? Grade Roster icon on left side of course to post your grades. Enter a grade by typing into the box or ?click? magnifying glass next to the student?s name (no plus or minus grades are given for graduate courses). ?Click? Save. Drop down Approval Status and change to Approved. Once you approve the grade roster, ?Post? will pop-up, click on ?Post? to finalize the grade roster.

All fulltime and adjunct faculty have been issued TowsonU accounts. If you have never used your TowsonU account before, or it has been awhile since you used it and your password expired or you forgot it, please see this document: {http://wwwnew.towson.edu/adminfinance/OTS/training/documentation/PeopleSoft/FacStaff_activate_account.pdf} If you cannot login after reviewing these instructions, call the Office of Technology Services Faculty/Staff Help Center at 410-704-5151, 2+2+2 on the voice menu.

All grade rosters are due 72 hours after final exams (January 27, 4:00 p.m.).

If you are experiencing difficulty in accessing your grade roster, please call my office for assistance, 410-704-2097. Thank you for your cooperation.