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Attention Regular Faculty Members: January Conference – ?Towson University With 2020 Vision and 25,000 Students”

This announcement is sent on behalf of Dr. Marcia Welsh.

Please find details below regarding the January Conference to be held on Friday, January 15th in the Chesapeake Rooms of the University Union.
Please be sure to R.S.V.P. your attendance to the office of the Provost by Wednesday, January 6th via email to joschmidt@towson.edu . Please specify that you are responding for the January Conference. Thank you!

AGENDA — Tentative
January Conference
?Towson University With 2020 Vision and 25,000 Students?
Chesapeake Rooms – University Union
January 15, 2010

8:30 AM
(Bagels, Assorted Muffins, Assorted Breakfast Breads, Sliced Fruit Salad, Coffee, Tea, Water, Juice)

9:00 AM
IT You-Tube Video

9:05 ? 9:30 AM
Welcome/Introduction ? Dr. Marcia G. Welsh
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

9:30 ? 10:30 AM
Featured Speaker from Aspirational Peer University

10:30 ? 10:45 AM

10:45 ? 11:45 AM
Panel Session ? Challenges Facing Towson Faculty

11:45 ? 1:15 PM
LUNCH (Toasted sandwiches which include vegetarian offerings and tossed salad, cookies, brownies, soda, water)

1. Academic Programs
2. Tenure Issues /Faculty Workload/Faculty Role
3. Using Technology / On-Line Courses for Student Learning
4. Faculty Development / Infrastructure
5. Embedding Learning Outcomes Into New Strategic Plan

1:15 ? 1:45 PM
Breakout Session Reports

1:45 ? 2:30 PM
Dr. Robert L. Caret, President