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TU AAUP – Second Friday Event – November 9 – Burkshire Marriott

All faculty are invited to the third “Second Friday” program, sponsored by the TU AAUP to promote informal collegial dialogue on our faculty’s research interests.

Friday, November 9th, at 3:30 p.m. in the Rodgers Forge Room of the Burkshire Marriott, Professor Cheryl Brown (English), will make a presentation: “More Writing, Less Grading” – an informal presentation on writing across the curriculum, incorporating short workshop-style demonstrations.

Professor Brown’s particular area of interest and expertise is one which can have impact in all our classrooms. After the session, attendees may continue the dialogue while enjoying the food and beverage specials at the University Club.

I hope to see many of you there!

John C. McLucas
Professor, Foreign Languages
President, TU Faculty Association/AAUP
Fulbright Program Adviser