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“Integrated Health,” a workshop teaching exercise and nutrition fundamentals for weightloss.

The Towson University Wellness Center is offering a 5 week workshop titled “Integrated Health.” This workshop is designed to educate and empower individuals with sound knowledge of exercise and nutrition fundamentals. Given the tools, committed individuals will reap the benefits of improved health.

Integrating healthy choices into our hectic lifestyles may often be a challenge. Completion of the 5 week journey however, will not only encourage awareness but also facilitate acceptance of new behaviors resulting in positive changes such as weight loss, improved self-image, improved time-management and reduced stress.

With the help of the TUWC’s Exercise Physiologists, participants will have access to body composition analysis, health risk appraisal, personalized exercise prescription, and interactive lectures. This comprehensive approach gives individuals looking to better their health the foundation to start successfully and finish winning.

Sessions will be held Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5-6 PM beginning March 27th at the Towson University Wellness Center (Admin. Bldg Rm 113). Program cost is $100 which includes a FREE 1 month membership ($25 value) to the Wellness Cneter. Please call 410 704-4555 if interested in registering.