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Embedded Assessment: Using What You Already Do to Assess Learning in Your Classroom

Adding assessment to your course does not have to be time consuming. Using what you already do in class to assess student learning is one way to collect meaningful assessment data without adding hours to your already hectic schedule. This workshop will focus on identifying methods of assessment that are already part of your course content and on developing assessments that can be embedded in the structure of your curriculum. By the end of the session, you should have a number of assessment methods ready to use in your course to look at teaching, learning, and the TU student experience. Please remember to bring to the workshop copies of your course syllabi and a list of course goals or objectives. This workshop is presented by the Office of Assessment and the Center for Instructional Advancement & Technology.

Prerequisites: None
Length: 2 hours
Date: Tuesday March 13
1:00 pm ? 3:00 pm
University Union Room 309-310
Presenters: Kathryn Doherty and Audrey Cutler

Please RSVP by March 9 to Kathy at 4-2557 or visit the OTS Training page