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Upcoming Workshop on Civility

Civility in the Workplace (Elective course for the Management and Supervision Certificate and Workplace Professional Certificate)

Workplace incivility is a leading cause of lost time and low productivity among employees. The more civil the workplace, the higher quality of work life, and quantity and quality of work contained within. Attend this workshop to become aware of behaviors that contribute to productivity as well as those that inhibit it, learn tools to help deal with colleagues who act inappropriately, and how to partner with team members to establish expectations for working together and building cohesive relationships. You will gain valuable knowledge, tools, and action steps to create a more civil working environment. Register at {http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/hr/training/coursesignup.asp}.

Date: Monday, September 13
Time: 9 a.m. to noon
Location: Administration Building room 120
Presented by: Chrystal George Mwangi, University of Maryland, College Park

You don?t have to be working on a certificate to attend. Any faculty and staff member can register and attend.

If you have questions, please contact Training and Development Manager Mike Noll at {mnoll@towson.edu} or on x4-6015.