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Faculty Development and Research Committee Announces March 1, 2006 Grant Application Deadline

Faculty Development and Research Committee

2006 Summer Research Fellowships and Fall 2006 Research

Monetary Awards and Teaching Innovation Grants

Call for Applications

DEADLINE Wednesday, March 1, 2006, 5:00 pm

The Faculty Development and Research Committee is pleased to announce its call for applications for 2006 Summer Research Fellowships and Research Monetary Awards and Teaching Innovation Grants for use during the fall semester 2006. Applications will be accepted through 5:00 pm Wednesday, March 1, 2006.

Summer Research Fellowships of $3,500 will be made for projects leading to a scholarly product, such as a proposal to an external funding source, or a publication, presentation, invention, composition, performance, or exhibition. Funds will be paid directly to the Fellow through payroll and are intended to allow the Fellow to spend uninterrupted time on the project during the summer. Please note that the Committee will need, as part of the application packet, a detailed timeline for the duration of the award and detailed information on expected project outcomes.

Research Monetary Awards of up to $5,000 will be made for projects leading to a scholarly product (as described above). Funds may be used for project-related expenses such as research assistants, supplies, and travel, and will be made available upon approval of awards. All funds awarded under this application round must be expended within 12 months of the award date, though requests for extensions may be considered by the Committee.

Application forms for both research awards (Summer Research Fellowships and Research Monetary Awards) and Teaching Innovation Grants are available in hard copy or as Word documents from the Office of University Research Services (extension 4-2236 or by email, ours@towson.edu) or on the Office of University Research Services’ Web site, {http://grad.towson.edu/ours/index.asp}.

An original and eight copies of completed application forms and accompanying documentation as described in the application form should be submitted to the Office of University Research Services, 7800 York Road, Room 225.

The Faculty Development and Research Committee will host a brown bag session at which questions about the FDRC Summer Research Fellowship and Research Monetary Award programs will be answered Friday, February 17, 2006 from 11:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. in the College of Graduate Studies and Research conference room, 7800 York Road, room 218A. Faculty members interested in applying for Committee support under the March 1 deadline are encouraged to attend. Pre-registration is not necessary.