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Message from the President & Provost Regarding January Conference 2006

Dear Colleagues,

This year?s ?January Conference? for faculty and staff is designed to address the critical theme of sustaining and enhancing academic excellence within a context of dramatic enrollment growth. As we engage in the many planning activities needed to accommodate more students, it is essential that we preserve what is core to Towson University ? its student-centeredness. As we assert our metropolitan mission and communicate what is so special about a Towson education, we need to insure that our planning efforts consider the qualitative along with the quantitative. Toward this goal, the conference will use as a discussion platform the recent results from the National Survey of Student Engagement, which compares Towson student satisfaction with peer institutions and with national trends.

We urge you to attend the conference on 11 January 2006 in the Chesapeake Rooms of the University Union beginning at 9:30. The agenda is posted on the Provost Home Page, www.towson.edu/provost. Please RSVP to Donna Guillott at {dguillott@towson.edu} by January 6th.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing on January 11th.

Robert L. Caret, President James F. Brennan, Provost