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Maryland Charities Campaign Weekly Winners-Week #2

We are coming to the home stretch of the MCC. Thank you to all who have generously contributed. The Towson University Foundation #3258 is now listed on the MCC website www.mdcharity.org where you can donate electronically.

We are still trying to give away the free lunch for two at the University Club Marriott valued at $50.00. We can?t do that that until we reach the 100 contributor?s mark. If you have not done so already, please consider donating, even the smallest amount can help.
$1 per work day would provide:
? 1,300 pounds of food that can be distributed to people in need ? this translates to 838 meals to hungry Marylanders across the state
? A daily snack for an abused child in an afterschool program
? Nine hours of addiction counseling for two women
? Five weeks of a women?s support group
? Parent-child field trip for 20 families at risk of dissolution
? Follow-up work site visits for eight developmentally challenged people
? Enough to raise and transplant 5,200 pollution filtering oysters
? Twenty-one 4? native trees that can be planted as a streamside buffer
? 100 prepared meals served in a homeless shelter

We?re also giving out ?thank you? gifts each week. Below is the list of randomly-selected contributors who scored prizes this week:

John Desmone, Academic Affairs, $15 dining certificate, TU T-shirt and TU tote
Mary McSweeney, Health Science, TU Golf Umbrella, framed Martin Barry print, and TU tote
Nadia Nasr, Library, lunch tote, TU T-shirt, and TU ear bud headphones
Mike Noll, Human Resources, $15 dining certificate, framed Martin Barry Print, and TU tote
Vicki Simmers, Fiscal Planning & Services $15 dining certificate, TU mug, TU keychain, and TU mini portfolio
Robert Hammell, Computer and Information Science, TU Umbrella, TU Mug, TU T-shirt and tote
Lawrence Shirley, Mathematics, TU Golf Umbrella, framed Martin Barry print, and TU tote