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Whether you have been teaching service-learning courses for years or have just started to think about incorporating service-learning, we have an engagement opportunity for you!

Fall 2018 Opportunities

Service-Learning Faculty Fellows 2.0 – The Faculty Fellows 2.0 Program provides support for TU service-learning faculty interested in service-learning scholarship. This cohort meets once a month in order to share ideas, gain feedback, and collaborate on publications and grants. Topics discussed this term will be research, P&T Binders, and more! Join us when you can and see what this group has to offer!

Service-Learning Lunch & Learn AND Service-Learning Breakfast & Brainstorm – Hear from service-learning faculty regarding their service-learning journey, including their time as a faculty fellow, their service-learning course(s), and how they have stayed involved with service-learning (on and off campus).

For the full Service-Learning event lineup, visit events.towson.edu!

If you are interested in learning more about these opportunities, please contact Stephanie Easterday at seasterday@towson.edu.