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“Career Development Essentials” Workshop July 10th

Career Development Essentials

July 10, 2018 / 9am-12pm / AD120

Pt 1 of the Professional Development Series begins with a workshop designed to help you plan for your career. This interactive workshop will help you learn keys for developing a growth mindset, identify and flesh out existing transferable skills, and implement strategies for enhancing your resume and cover letter. Time will also be devoted to exploring professional development opportunities to help you move horizontally in addition to vertically in your organization. You’ll walk away from this session thinking about your job in creative and new ways, taking stock of the gems in the career you currently have, becoming more of an active driver in your career and finding ways to add value in your department and organization. Bring your resume!

Everyone is welcome to attend. For more information, please contact the Office of Inclusion & Institutional Equity. Please RSVP to bfsa@towson.edu to secure your spot!