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Apply to be a Service-Learning Faculty Fellow

Have you thought about implementing a service-learning component into one of your courses? Not sure how to start? Apply for the Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Program! The Service-Learning Faculty Fellows program provides support for TU faculty interested in creating a new service-learning course or incorporating a new, significant service learning component into an existing course.

Faculty who are new to service-learning will have an opportunity to learn from more experienced faculty as well as others in the Faculty Fellows cohort. No experience in teaching or creating a service-learning course is needed to apply.

Interested faculty members will propose a service-learning initiative that includes a case for the significance and expected impact of the project in a broader context of civic engagement and social responsibility. Applications will be evaluated on how the service-learning project seeks to advance course objectives, includes meaningful student interaction with the community and addresses real community needs.

For more information and applications for the Faculty Fellow program please contact Stephanie Easterday at seasterday@towson.edu or visit www.towson.edu/servicelearning


Applications are due June 18, 2018!

Service-Learning Faculty Fellows Application 2018-19