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Join OAI for a free Event in Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality

The Office of Academic Innovation will be co-hosting a free event on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality.

Join the Office of Academic Innovation on May 22nd and May 24th from 12:00-3:35 pm in Cook 404B for the EDUCASE ELI Online Event: extended Reality (XR): How AR, VR, and MR are Extending Learning Opportunities.

The presentations will explore current issues in eXtended reality (XR) technologies (such as virtual, augmented, immersive, and mixed reality) in teaching and learning, collectively seeking ways to best support our institutions, our faculty, and our students. Bring your ideas and meet colleagues across campus who have delved into the world of eXtended reality.

Register here for this free event:  Registration