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Last Chance for Staff Members to Vote in the 2018 Towson University Staff Council (TUSC) Election!


The Towson University Staff Council (TUSC) election has arrived! TODAY, April 17,  is your last chance to vote.  Please go to the following link and vote for staff nominated candidates.


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For all other non-technical access questions please email:  Mary Cowles – mcowles@towson.edu or Judy Rixham – jrixham@towson.edu


What is TU Staff Council?

TU Staff Council (TUSC) is the advocate body for all University staff employees. Through its advisory role with the University President, TU Staff Council seeks to further the prominence of the University by promoting the value and talents of its staff employees. TU Staff Council represents the interests of all staff, all categories, all departments, exempt and non-exempt, full-time and part-time. If you have a concern about parking, pay, benefits or anything else, TU Staff Council works as your liaison between staff and University leadership.

Who are the Candidates?

The candidates listed below were nominated by you or your staff peers to represent your division or job category. Prior to voting, please take a few moments to review the candidates short biographies (listed alphabetically).

TU Staff Council 2018 Election Nominations – Bios

 Bria Bennett – Executive Division

I am currently the Community Partnership Coordinator for the athletics department. I have been an employee of Towson since September relocating from Philadelphia. As the Community Partnership Coordinator, my role is to create and provide community opportunities for student –athletes through partnerships. My role also entails supporting senior staff leaders in facilitating the creation, planning, executing, and selling of athletic games, event activations , and civic engagement within the community. 

Tasha Benn:    Student Affairs

Since 2008, Tasha Benn has served Towson University as an undergraduate, graduate, non-exempt and exempt staff member. As Recruitment Coordinator for the Career Center, she creates relationships with employers, alumni, faculty, and staff that translate into increased job opportunities for students. Tasha feels very fortunate to work for the institution that has fostered her personal and professional development. She would be honored to serve as a member of the Towson University Staff Council and continue to give back to an institution that has given her so much to me.

 Kelly Crispo:  Administration and Finance

I am nearing 7 years at Towson University, all of those within the department of Auxiliary Services – first as an Administrative Assistant II, then Executive AA and now Operations Specialist.  My duties have included overseeing projects and events that have allowed me to interact with, collaborate with, and gain perspective from many different departments on campus.  My experience here at TU has been an absolute pleasure and I would be honored to have the opportunity to work to provide that same kind of experience to all staff on campus

Tammy Cross:  Academic Affairs

My name is Tammy Cross, Executive Administrative Assistant in the Office of Academic Innovation.  I came to Towson from Goucher College (where I spent 10 ½ years) 8 years ago.  I began in the Provost Office as the Admin to the Vice Provost and 5 years ago the Office of Academic Innovation was created and I transitioned to become the office’s Executive Admin.  In the 8 years I’ve been at Towson I have seen much change and I thoroughly enjoy working with the staff, faculty, administrators and students.  If elected I will gladly support and serve in any way possible the Towson community.

 Lauren Davin:  Administration and Finance

Lauren Davin is the Procurement Card Program Administrator in the Procurement Office, where she has worked for three years. She is also a graduate of TU and has enjoyed seeing how the University works on the other side as a staff member. She likes helping people and looks forward to hopefully bringing her knowledge to the table as a member of TUSC.

Kassandra Doy:  Academic Affairs

Hi, my name is Kassandra Doy. I have been working at the university for the past four years as the administrative assistant for the Academic Achievement Center. This coming fall, I will be graduating with my Bachelor’s in Social Sciences from UMUC. I help students develop in their learning every day by collaborating with other departments and working with our tutors. Being a part of TUSC would allow me to continue that collaboration and help the staff and faculty learn about more opportunities in an academic setting. With my current role on campus I am able to be a creative resource for activities during the annual retreat along with offer as much help as needed. TUSC is a vital part of our campus community and I believe that I would be a wonderful asset!

 Deniz Erman:  Administration and Finance

I have been employed at Towson University for the past 16 years as a staff member in the University Store.  The first ten years of my employment there were spent as a Textbook Adoption Supervisor.  For the past six years, I have held the position of Merchandise/Specialist Buyer.

For the past five years, it has been my pleasure to serve on the Towson University Staff Council (TUSC).  In addition to serving on TUSC, I have been a member of the Council of University Staff System (CUSS) for the past three years.

I currently serve as the Chairperson of Towson University’s Board of Regents Staff Awards Committee and have done so for the last three years.  I am also Chairperson for CUSS’ Board of Regents Staff Awards Committee and have served in this role for the last two years.  I am also a member of TUSC’s Staff Development Committee.  In the past, I have served as a member of the University’s Senate Task Force for Shared Governance.

My passion is definitely being an advocate and a strong voice for all staff members of the Towson University community.  If elected, I promise to stand up for what is fair and just for all the staff employed at this institution, as well as serving you to my fullest ability.

 Joel Herbert-Edwards:  Administration and Finance

My name is Joel Herbert-Edwards and I am a member of the graduating class of Dec 2015 from Towson University that recently started working for OTS as the Cybersecurity Awareness Specialist. My main focus is establishing, structuring, and maintaining the Security Awareness program for the campus and working closely with the Office of Information Security on other tasks. Outside of work, I enjoy playing video games and binge-watching shows on Netflix.

 Rachel Morgan:  Administration and Finance

My name is Rachel Morgan, and I am the NRA Tax Coordinator here in Financial Affairs.  I provide tax guidance for our International students, faculty, staff and guests who receive payment from TU, while ensuring institutional compliance with Federal and State tax regulations. 

While International tax may sound as fun as a root canal, I sincerely enjoy teaching students about the US tax system, and seeing them empowered to manage their own future tax responsibilities!

Andrew Rosenblum:   Administration and Finance

I am a TU alumni.  I attended both undergraduate and graduate studies at Towson University.  While pursuing my undergraduate degree at Towson, I was a student worker for the Athletic department for 4 years.  When I graduated in 2011, I was offered a full time position with the Athletic department.  In 2013 I joined Parking & Transportation and currently serve as the Parking Operations Manager.  In my current role with parking, I help plan and execute events for all departments on campus as well as oversee the parking enforcement.  In my spare time, I volunteer at the Cockeysville Volunteer Fire Company and was most recently elected to the position of President.

 Ginger Ross – Academic Affairs

Since 2007, I’ve been active in TU Staff Council, advocating for staff on campus.   Among other committee work, I have been on the Staff Development Planning Committee and regularly attend Faculty Senate and Women’s Faculty/Staff Association meetings.  As the Academic Program Coordinator for the Department of Art + Design, I have the ability and desire to continue to represent you for another 3 years.

Dale Schmertzler:    Academic Affairs

“My career as an administrative assistant at Towson University began in 2004 with a position in the College of Education. The primary focus of my responsibilities is with the graduate programs and includes a variety of activities involving prospective and current students, faculty and administrators. It has been my pleasure to offer support to the college and I have very much enjoyed working with everyone in the Towson University community. I am pleased to be nominated as a candidate for the Towson University Staff Council and hope to promote the value of staff employees through this association.”

Delrene Thompson:  Academic Affairs

I am a non-exempt staff member. I have worked at Towson University for 30 years and have worked with several departments through the years in different capacities. I will be receiving my 30 year service award next month. I am excited about this accomplishment. I am currently on the executive board with the Black Faculty and Staff Association (BFSA) as a non-exempt representative.  I have taken classes on campus throughout the years and have taken advantage of the staff development classes offered through Human Resources to help improve my job skills and people skills by completion of workplace professional and leadership certificates. I look forward to embarking in a new role related to TUSC to not only make a positive difference but to maintain good relationships with those I am familiar and to build new relationships along the way with new members of the campus community. I believe working together is always a good start to making change in a positive and productive way.