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The Chronicle Great Colleges to Work For Survey

Towson University is participating in The Chronicle of Higher Education’s (Chronicle) “Great Colleges to Work For” survey. While the Chronicle will consider our condensed survey results for listing in their “Great Colleges to Work For” issue, the results are even more important as they will help us identify our work environment strengths as well as areas where there might be opportunities for us to make improvements.

The survey has been distributed to a random selection of full-time faculty and staff via email from ModernThink. Participation is both confidential and anonymous. If you have received the invitation, we strongly encourage you to take a few minutes to complete the survey by the April 13th deadline.

Thank you to those of you who have already completed the survey. We appreciate you taking the time to share your views and opinions. A high response rate helps ensure accurate results and demonstrates the commitment of our campus community.

After the Chronicle publishes the findings this summer, we will receive a report that summarizes responses to the survey questions which will be shared with the campus in August.

Read the FAQs regarding our survey participation to learn more. Thank you for your participation. Please contact Kristi Yowell at 410-704-6011 or kyowell@@towson.edu if you have any questions.