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Multiculturalism in Action Brown Bag Series

Wednesday, March 14, 12:00 to 1:15pm, College of Liberal Arts building, room 3150

“Two Decades of Cyberhate: A Longitudinal Analysis of Anti-LGBTQ Groups and their External Communications”

Dr. Cynthia Cooper, Department of Mass Communication and Communication Studies

For years, the Christian Identity, KKK, and Aryan Nation movements promoted the belief that whites are the Bible’s chosen people, and are therefore the superior race. Recently more mainstream Christian conservative and Alt-Right organizations have espoused an equally singular animosity toward LGBTQ citizens. As LGBTQ rights advance socially and politically, many Conservative Christian groups increased their calls to action from mere contempt through speech (protected by the First Amendment) to overt threats and promotion of violence. This study uses textual analysis to evaluate external messaging (websites, newsletters, fundraising appeals, merchandise) of organizations to identify themes, strategies, and appeals used against the LGBTQ community.

This event is sponsored by the Office of Inclusion and Institutional Equity and is open to all faculty, staff, and students. Light refreshments will be provided.

For additional information, contact Dr. Danice Brown at dlbrown@towson.edu.