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Online Workshops: Have you Googled yourself lately? + Teaching Online and Blended Courses

Workshop Schedule and Registration

Towson faculty and staff members can attend one or more online workshops listed from the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) for free. Normally, these workshops cost up to $270 each.

 To REGISTER, contact OAI (x4-2005).

Spotlight: Developing Your Social Media and Digital Presence for Faculty, Researchers and Scholar

January 8 – 14, 2018

What does your online identity look like today? Have you Googled yourself lately? In academia, it is becoming increasingly vital to publish and share your teaching, service, and research scholarship.

Besides developing an online presence and utilizing social media for professional development, faculty, researchers, and early career scholars are actively utilizing open and digital channels to enhance their instruction, share research findings, and find support in a community of connected scholars. Scholars are using online networks to share syllabi, ask questions for research needs, solicit support for peer review, and be part of the sharing economy for research impacts. In this workshop, we will explore meaningful ways to craft an active, online persona that includes using social media and other digital resources for teaching, service, and research in academia.

Here is an article where workshop Facilitator Dr. Laura Pasquini explains Why Academics Need a Digital Persona.

Learning Objectives

  • Evaluate social media and digital platforms for faculty development, connected scholarship, and to enhance research impact.
  • Establish effective strategies for developing an online digital identity within the open, networked community online.
  • Outline the benefits and challenges of open and digital scholarship, specifically with regards to social media and other networked platforms.

Workshop Sampler: Online and Blended Course Topics

 January 8 – 14, 2018

 January 22 – 28, 2018

 January 24 – 26, 2018

OLC Workshops include a wide range of topics for educators interested in improving their skills in online and digital education. These offerings are “designed to model best practices, promote engagement, and encourage practical application into daily teaching and leadership practices.” The evolving list of workshop topics includes online discussions, group work, rubrics, blended learning, apps in education, effective feedback, infographics

These workshops vary in length up to one week. You don’t need to be at your computer at a specific time, but there are deadlines throughout the week for various assignments. Read the descriptions for more details.

The Office of Academic Innovation sponsors Towson’s membership to the Online Learning Consortium.