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This Thursday!!– Addressing the Opioid Crisis and Its Threat to Homeland Security

November 9, 2017 | 4–6 PM | College of Liberal Arts, RM 4110 | FREE

The newest threat to homeland security is not one that most would expect at first glance. The opioid crisis not only impacts individual lives, but affects the health, economies, and welfare of local and regional communities.

How is the opioid crisis impacting Maryland and what is being done to address this new homeland security threat?

Join the Integrated Homeland Security Management program for this timely and important conversation with Maryland’s top expert on the matter.

Birch Barron is the deputy director of the Maryland Opioid Operational Command Center, working with the emergency management system to effectively and efficiently coordinate statewide efforts in combating the heroin and opioid crisis in Maryland. Mr. Barron also serves as a senior policy analyst for the University of Maryland Center for Health and Homeland Security.

The event is free and open to faculty, students, staff, and the public.


Towson University is proud to host the Edward V. Badolato Distinguished Speaker Series in Homeland Security, endowed by the late Colonel Edward V. Badolato, USMC.