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NEH Summer Research Stipends

The NEH Summer Grant program provides a valuable opportunity to gain support for a substantive summer research effort. Please visit http://www.neh.gov/grants/research/summer-stipends for details on the program, the application process, and information on eligibility. The program is quite competitive, and Towson University has had previous winners so receiving a summer stipend from NEH is a genuine possibility. Projects generally need to be conceptually quite well developed. Please note the slight indication of special interest in younger scholars with the suggestion that this award can help pave the way for a later, larger research fellowship.

Terry Cooney, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, has been designated as the coordinator for nominations and the nominating official at Towson University. Internal expressions of interest and project descriptions should be sent to Dean Cooney by August 30, 2017. If there are more applicants than the University is allowed to nominate (two), a committee of faculty will review the applications and recommend the University’s nominees. The internal application should include a CV and a statement of project of at least two to three pages (see the NEH guidelines before beginning). Once University nominees are chosen, applicants will have a chance to complete the full proposal.

Questions may be addressed to Terry Cooney at mailto:tcooney@towson.edu or by telephone at 410-704-2129.