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College Presentation by Professor Michael Angelella, Department of Electronic Media and Film

Islands and Me

In 2017-2018, COFAC’s theme will be “What’s Your Story?”  In words, music, art, dance and film, the college will spend the year celebrating and telling stories that are biographical or autobiographical; a whole parade of true tales that express the story of who we are and what it means to be alive.

To help kick off the college’s year of programming, I will talk about some of the ways in which EMF will highlight and explore the “What’s Your Story” theme, both inside and outside the classroom – and hopefully encourage you to consider your own ways to explore the theme.  And what better way to illustrate this theme in action than for me to tell a story of my own.

And the story I’ve chosen to tell is about my lifelong obsession with movies about islands; my obsession with tales about the desperate and lost souls who are stranded and struggle to survive in places where escape is seemingly impossible.

Part reminiscence, part confession, and–let’s be honest–part film nerd yapping, the centerpiece of my personal story will include a brief sojourn into the screenplays of Castaway (2000) and Groundhog Day (1993), two Robinson Crusoe-like films that hold a profound personal appeal for me.

The presentation will take place on Friday, 3/10/17 at 3:00 pm in CA 2032.
